Since our last post so much has happened. Jacob Blake was shot, wildfires have burnt up much of the west coast, including much of our home state of california, and protests still carry on throughout the country.
Here are the things we did this month to help others and stave off some of the existential dread:
Started volunteering with political campaigns and voting orgs! We signed up to be part of the texting campaign for one of our candidates. Every day we send about 300 texts asking voters where they stand on issues, forwarding them resources and helping them register to vote. This is a crucial moment in our politics, and this is one way you can be more involved while helping others get involved in our democratic process.
Donated in-kind items to fire victims It’s always helpful to donate funds, but when people first escape from natural disasters it really helps to have things like bedding, toys for children, clothes and shoes readily available. Most people leave their lives behind, and aren’t able to get new items quickly. Whenever a natural disaster breaks out remember to research local relief shelters or local advocacy groups, most will have a social media page or email address you can contact to see what they need.
Got serious about mental health Benji here- I’ve always been an advocate for psychological therapy and counseling. When I was young I pursued therapy from a reactionary standpoint, only going if a trauma or hardship had occurred and was putting me under stress for months. Now I see I treat it more preventatively, going back to therapy as I begin to enter experiences that are difficult. This year due to the global pandemic I would argue ALL of humanity has experienced a shared trauma. For those of us in countries experiencing civil unrest there is that layer as well. What I’m trying to say is that if you feel it’s sometimes hard to talk about existential dread, or any anxieties regarding our current situation, it might be time to talk to a professional. Sometimes when many people go through something we can feel like our feelings don’t matter, or like we don’t want to overload people further. This is why it can be great to talk to a therapist, they are an unbiased support for you, and it is their job to help you bear the emotional load of whatever you’re going through. Why wait til after it’s too heavy to ask for help? I’m back in therapy because sometimes my worries for the future get the best of me, and I want to continue to be there for my loved ones and not shut down completely. Whatever may be weighing on you, sometimes it helps to talk it through, have someone hold you accountable to coping mechanisms, and learn new things about yourself.